The Dos and Don’ts of ChatGPT Prompts in 2023: Your Essential Guide


ChatGPT has carved a name for itself in the world of AI-based language models. Developed by OpenAI, it can generate text, translate languages, and answer questions in a conversational manner.

But to harness its full potential, users must learn the craft of writing efficient prompts, as the quality of prompts significantly impacts the quality of the output. This guide illuminates the Dos and Don’ts of crafting efficient ChatGPT prompts in 2023.

The Dos of Crafting ChatGPT Prompts

1. Start with a clear and concise request

The first step in writing an effective ChatGPT prompt is to formulate a clear and concise request. Ensure your prompt explicitly conveys what you want ChatGPT to generate.

2. Use relevant keywords

Incorporating keywords relevant to the desired output can guide ChatGPT to generate more related responses. Keywords can provide invaluable context, steering the AI more precisely.

3. Prioritize specificity

General or vague prompts often lead to general responses. Be explicit in your prompts. For instance, instead of just asking for “a poem,” specify “Write a haiku about a serene winter morning.”

4. Include examples when possible

Providing examples of the desired output can guide ChatGPT in generating the output in the right format or style. Examples serve as additional context, improving the output quality.

5. Set the appropriate tone

The tone of your prompts impacts the tone of ChatGPT’s output. If you want a formal response, use formal language in your prompts, and vice versa.

6. Be creative

Creativity in your prompts can lead to more imaginative responses. Use this opportunity to explore the creative potential of ChatGPT.

7. Experiment

Don’t be afraid to try different prompts and styles. Learning through experimentation is often the best way to understand what works best.

The Don’ts of Crafting ChatGPT Prompts

1. Avoid using too much jargon

Excessive technical language or jargon can confuse ChatGPT and result in unexpected outputs. If you must use jargon, make sure to clearly define or explain it in the prompt.

2. Don’t be vague

Vagueness in prompts often results in vague responses. Make your prompts as specific as possible to get a more precise output.

3. Avoid negative language

ChatGPT struggles with negative language. Phrase your prompts using positive or neutral language for more satisfactory responses.

4. Don’t use multiple prompts at once

Feeding ChatGPT with multiple prompts at once can confuse the AI, making it unclear what you’re asking for. Stick to one prompt at a time for best results.

5. Don’t expect perfection

Remember, ChatGPT, despite being powerful, is not perfect and is still under development. If the results are not as expected, exercise patience and keep trying.

Additional Pointers

1. Use the latest version of ChatGPT

The latest version of ChatGPT usually comes with improvements and new features. Ensure that you’re using the most recent version to get the best performance.

2. Be patient

Patience is key when working with ChatGPT. If the results aren’t as expected, try again with different prompts.

3. Have fun

Crafting prompts for ChatGPT can be an enjoyable learning experience. Take this opportunity to have fun and learn more about AI-based communication.


The art of crafting efficient ChatGPT prompts is fundamental in unlocking the full potential of this AI language model. With this comprehensive guide to the Dos and Don’ts of ChatGPT prompts in 2023, you’re well on your way to mastering this critical skill.

Remember, it’s about simplicity, clarity, creativity, and a willingness to experiment and learn. Embrace the journey of interacting with AI in 2023, and let your communication with ChatGPT be a rewarding one.

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