How to Create a Parent-Controlled Account on Twitter


If you’ve ever wondered about age restrictions on social media platforms like Twitter, you’re not alone. Twitter’s age restriction policy restricts users under 13 from creating accounts. This is a protective measure to shield children from potentially harmful content and to ensure a safe and responsible platform use.

In this user-friendly guide, we’ll show you a workaround for younger Twitter enthusiasts – a Parent-controlled account. This is a specially designed account type that allows children to access Twitter under the supervision of a parent or guardian.

Creating a Parent-Controlled Account on Twitter

Creating a parent-controlled account on Twitter is an easy process, but it does need the approval of a parent or guardian. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Open the Twitter website or app.
  2. Tap on the Sign up button.
  3. Choose the Parent-controlled account option.
  4. Fill in your details like name, email address, and phone number.
  5. Provide your parent or guardian’s email address and phone number.
  6. Click on the Create account button.

Once these steps are complete, your parent or guardian will receive an email with a link. They must use this link to approve your account. Once the account is approved, you can use Twitter under their supervision.

Points to Remember About Parent-Controlled Accounts

When using a parent-controlled account, keep the following points in mind:

  • Your parent or guardian will be able to see your tweets and direct messages.
  • They can also manage your account settings.
  • You won’t be able to alter your account settings without their permission.

If you’re above 13, you can opt for a regular Twitter account. When creating this account, you’ll have to confirm your date of birth.

Understanding Age Restrictions on Twitter

Twitter’s age restriction of 13 years is based on the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). This is a law intended to safeguard the privacy of children below 13.

Using Twitter below the age of 13 can expose children to various risks, such as:

  • Exposure to harmful content, like violence, hate speech, or explicit material.
  • Contact with potentially dangerous adults.
  • Risk of identity theft.
  • Exposure to cyberbullying.


While Twitter’s age restriction policy is designed to create a safer environment for younger users, it doesn’t completely bar them from using the platform. The Parent-controlled account is a brilliant feature that allows younger users to enjoy Twitter under the watchful eye of their parents or guardians. This ensures they experience the social media platform in a safer and more controlled environment.

Remember, online safety for children is paramount, and it’s always a good idea to discuss and understand these risks and safety measures with your parents or guardians.

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