Windows Hello Face Recognition Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It


Windows Hello face recognition is an innovative and secure way to log in to your Windows 11 devices. This technology enables a password-free sign-in, making the whole process a breeze. However, you might find that sometimes, the Windows Hello face recognition stops working. Suddenly, the effortless login becomes a frustration. But why does this happen? And more importantly, how can you fix it?

In this post, we’ll delve into the common reasons why Windows Hello face recognition might not work in Windows 11 and provide straightforward solutions. We understand how important smooth and speedy access to your device is, and we’ll help you get back on track in no time.

Why Windows Hello Face Recognition Stops Working

There can be several reasons why the face recognition feature might stop working in Windows 11. These include issues with your camera settings, outdated graphics drivers, software glitches, or issues with your account. Often, these problems can be solved with a bit of troubleshooting. So, let’s explore how you can fix these issues.

How to Fix Windows Hello Face Recognition

1. Check Your Camera Settings: Make sure your camera is on and set as the default camera for Windows Hello. Go to Settings > Devices > Camera to adjust these settings.

2. Restart Your Computer: It might seem too simple, but restarting your computer can often solve many issues with apps, including Windows Hello.

3. Update Your Graphics Drivers: Outdated drivers can cause various app problems. Go to your graphics card manufacturer’s website and download the latest drivers.

4. Reinstall Windows Hello: If all else fails, you might want to consider reinstalling Windows Hello. Open the Windows PowerShell app as an administrator and run the following command:

Get-AppxPackage *windowshello* | Remove-AppxPackage

5. Check for App Updates: Regular updates often include bug fixes and performance enhancements, which can solve issues like this. Check for updates on the Microsoft Store under the “Library” tab.

Additional Tips to Troubleshoot Windows Hello Face Recognition

1. Proper Lighting: For Windows Hello to work properly, your face should be well-lit.

2. Remove Obstructions: Make sure there’s nothing blocking the camera’s view of your face.

3. Try a Different Camera: If you have an external camera, try using it instead of the built-in one.

4. Use a Different User Account: Try using a different Microsoft account to check if the issue lies with your account.

5. Safe Mode: Try using Windows Hello in Safe Mode to see if a third-party driver or service is causing the problem.


Windows Hello face recognition is a fantastic feature that makes accessing your device easy and secure. When it doesn’t work, it can be a nuisance. But with the above troubleshooting steps, you can address the issue and enjoy the ease of facial recognition once again. Remember, if you’ve tried all these steps and the problem persists, it’s time to contact Microsoft Support for further help.

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